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Fishtown Wellness Center helps individuals and families create, cultivate, and sustain the life they want to live.

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430 Belgrade St. Philadelphia, PA 19125


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How’s Your Sex Ed Knowledge?

How much sex ed do you know? A lot of folks don’t get sex education in the United States, and for the states that do require it, for many, it doesn’t even have to be medically accurate (yikes).   Did you get sex education in school? Let’s test your knowledge. See how much you already know. How did you do?  If you’re needing a bit of a refresher, there are plenty of online resources. A lot are geared towards children, but the information still applies to adults! You can still learn and have a more well-rounded approach to sexuality through viewing sex ed through different lenses. Here are just a few listed below: https://siecus.org/homeschool-style-sex-ed-resources/  https://www.moms.com/online-sex-education-resources-kids-teens/  https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/for-educators/digital-tools ...


By: Riley Fortier, M.Ed. What is pleasure? Pleasure is anything that makes your body feel good. We’re only earthside for a short time so might as well make it feel as good as we can. Many people when they hear the word “pleasure” immediately assume sex. Can pleasure be from sex? Yes. But does it have to be? No. Even just quickly searching for articles related to pleasure for this blog, 99% of them were “how to make a woman feel good” or specifically focusing on orgasms. Orgasms can be great, but this is such a limited view of what pleasure is and can be! Why learn about it? Researchers have found that including pleasure as a part of sex education can make people more like to engage in safer...

What is Anxiety? 

By: Nathan Houck, M.S., M.A. What is anxiety? How does a person know they are experiencing anxiety? Anxiety can typically be identified by the way it makes us feel in our body and in our mind. Anxiety symptoms can include excessive worry, restlessness, difficulty concentrating, irritability, racing thoughts, and overall difficulty sleeping. Symptoms in the body might appear as shaking/trembling, tense muscles, sweating, nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, and breathing more quickly. Why Does Anxiety Operate That Way? As humans, anxiety serves a purpose for us. Anxiety lets us know, albeit uncomfortably, to pay attention to something. Do you have a big test coming up and feel like you aren't prepared? Is money tight this month and you're not sure how you are going to pay certain bills? Are you...

Cleaning Time: How to Clean Your Sex Toys

By: Riley Fortier, M.Ed. Why do you need to clean your toys? Improper (or nonexistent) cleaning of your sex toys can lead to health issues. You should clean your toys before AND after each use, since they toy can still come into contact with dust and bacteria while it was stored. Cleaning your toys regularly also lessens the chance of contracting STIs or other infections, as the bacteria can cling to your toys surfaces. I know it can be annoying to get up to clean your toys after some alone time (or partnered) time. A tip is to try to make it a habit. Once you’re finished having sex, pee, shower, do whatever else your post-sex ritual is, but also add in cleaning your toy to that!  Cleaning your...