Welcome to Fishtown Wellness Center

Fishtown Wellness Center helps individuals and families create, cultivate, and sustain the life they want to live.

Working Hours
Flexible appointments, offering day/evening/weekend sessions based on clinician availability
From Our Gallery


430 Belgrade St. Philadelphia, PA 19125


Author: KGlick

Fishtown Wellness Center / Articles posted by KGlick (Page 3)

Temperature Play

By: Riley Fortier, M.Ed. Temperature and Play Temperature play, is (you guessed it) playing with temperature! Temperature can heighten the senses, making it a fun aspect to your sexual exploration. Changes in temperature activate the thermoreceptors within the skin, and these shifts can provoke a sensual reaction during...

What is Anxiety? 

By: Nathan Houck, M.S., M.A. What is anxiety? How does a person know they are experiencing anxiety? Anxiety can typically be identified by the way it makes us feel in our body and in our mind. Anxiety symptoms can include excessive worry, restlessness, difficulty concentrating, irritability,...