Welcome to Fishtown Wellness Center

Fishtown Wellness Center helps individuals and families create, cultivate, and sustain the life they want to live.

Working Hours
Flexible appointments, offering day/evening/weekend sessions based on clinician availability
From Our Gallery


430 Belgrade St. Philadelphia, PA 19125



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Get help from the Fishtown Wellness Center

When you come to the Fishtown Wellness Center, we will help you to identify areas in which you need to improve. We can then help you to create an individualized wellness plan. Your plan will be tailored to your needs and will help you to meet the challenges that you might face. With your plan, you can learn how to eat in ways that benefit your health. You can also develop a stronger sense of wellbeing and learn better ways to manage stress. Holistic health coaching can help you to achieve greater balance in your lifestyle and to develop inner peace. To schedule your appointment with a holistic health coach, call the Fishtown Wellness Center today.