Welcome to Fishtown Wellness Center

Fishtown Wellness Center helps individuals and families create, cultivate, and sustain the life they want to live.

Working Hours
Flexible appointments, offering day/evening/weekend sessions based on clinician availability
From Our Gallery


430 Belgrade St. Philadelphia, PA 19125


Training & Professional Development

Continuing Education Credit Courses

Now that you have your degree, how do you begin to set up your practice? There are many gaps in education, and there are even fewer entities available that provide after-graduation support. Unless you have a job already guaranteed or an opportunity to begin working right away, you are left wondering which step to make next. That’s why we offer Training and Professional Development services here at Fishtown Wellness Center.

We also acknowledge that even long-time practicing behavioral therapists, psychologists, and counselors need professional development to stay current or gain new skills. When you search for such training and education, the institutions offering what you need are scarce.

We’re here to change all of that with our Individual Practitioner and Group Training services.

Behavioral Health Agency Consultation

Opening your own behavioral health agency and managing employees is an adventure. Certainly, you’re going to be faced with twists and turns. Some of those twists are going to come from uncertainty of how and where to begin. Don’t start out making mistakes that set back the growth and success of your behavioral health agency.

Our consultation service is designed to answer any question you might have about owning and operating a behavioral health agency. We provide consultation revolving around quality assurance and successful policies and procedures for the office. Have us come in and teach your staff on regulatory compliance of the best practices for dealing with a specific population. Additionally, we even provide assistance with enacting LGBTQIA+ affirmative practices, as well as the development of a diverse and inclusive workplace.

Why is this important for you to include in your workplace?

Being competent in the needs of cultures, ethnicities, and LGBTQIA+ populations is needed to be respectful, wholesome, and helpful. Furthermore, it shows that you are devoted to the inclusion of various population groups. In this case, your agency will be a force that promotes a positive change not only in the lives of your clients but in the entire community that you service.

That is why we are offering behavioral health agency consultations, because we believe that existing agencies and practitioners should be at the forefront of the behavioral health field to use our experiences to initiate further developments.

Behavioral Health Agency Consultation

If there is one thing we would change about education, it’s all the questions you still have about your chosen career after graduation. Sometimes, those questions and concerns can persist even when you have started your own practice or are working for someone else. And as an individual practitioner, you might never get the chance to ask those questions—unless you get help.

We’ve been there, and we understand the struggle involved with becoming an individual practitioner in psychology, counseling, or behavioral therapies. Unique challenges dot your path, such as finding someone to decode the road to your necessary credentials and licenses.

Our individual practitioner services include:

  • Official supervision for individuals and groups
  • Professional case and clinical supervision
  • Assistance with the entire credentialing process
  • Certification and licensing exam prep and tutoring
  • Professional development education and training

You will learn in an engaging environment with in-person or online sessions that are conducted by experts in the industry. Not to mention, you can choose the track you would like to complete and how to make the individual practitioners services fit into your schedule. Furthermore, you will be able to earn CE credits to stay ahead of the trends as well as study up for an exam.

All of this not only supports you and your healthcare practice but also makes you a better therapist, psychologist, social worker, or counselor to all of your clients.

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What Does This Service Not Include?

Presently, we are only available to offer these services to individuals and groups or agencies who meet certain qualifications, such as holding the correct degree required for credentials and licensing. For this reason, we cannot offer clinical hours to current college or university students. These opportunities are also not internships or mentorships.