Welcome to Fishtown Wellness Center

Fishtown Wellness Center helps individuals and families create, cultivate, and sustain the life they want to live.

Working Hours
Flexible appointments, offering day/evening/weekend sessions based on clinician availability
From Our Gallery


430 Belgrade St. Philadelphia, PA 19125


SAP Services for DOT Employees

Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) Services

Substance Abuse Professionals (SAPs) are medical and mental health professionals who provide services to people who have failed or refused drug tests at their jobs through the Department of Transportation (DOT). You will be required to see an SAP if you have failed a drug test and have a job in a DOT-regulated industry. Fishtown Wellness Center has the appropriate certification to provide these types of services to you.

What Does A SAP Do?

A SAP evaluates workers who have violated drug and alcohol rules in their DOT-regulated jobs. Afterwards, they complete their evaluations and make recommendations for drug and alcohol education, treatment, substance abuse monitoring, or ongoing care needs. The SAP then monitors the person’s progress, communicates with the person’s employer, and helps the individual Return to Duty to safety-sensitive positions.

SAPs and Public Safety

Substance abuse professionals play a large role in public safety. They determine whether an employer can allow the worker to drive a school bus or commercial truck, fly a plane, or control a train or subway. A SAP will report whether you have complied with your program and recommendations.

Refusal of DOT Alcohol or Drug Test

You must submit to a DOT alcohol or drug test if you work in an industry that is regulated by the Department of Transportation (DOT). Refusal of the test will have you removed from your position until you complete the process to return to work. Additionally, you will be required to see a certified substance abuse professional and to follow the recommendations that you are given. Refusing to take a DOT alcohol or drug test may also make it harder for you to find a different job. Your drug and alcohol tests will have to be observed, and you will be responsible for paying for them. Finally, your license, certificate, authorization, and rating might be suspended, revoked, or restricted.

DOT Resources

Contact Us

Scheduling an appointment with an SAP

If you have been directed to meet with an SAP, Fishtown Wellness Center offers these services. You can call our office to schedule your initial evaluation. After you have completed your assessment, we will identify your level of substance abuse to make recommendations about your need for education and treatment. Contact us today to schedule your appointment by calling us at 267-764-1997 or by clicking on the button to the right.